Friday, March 30, 2012

Assignment #4

                In the vivid and catastrophic novel “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini, Mariam experiences a rough childhood as she is constantly lied to constantly from the person who she trusts the most.  Mariam wishes to see her father and impatiently waits for him when he visits her on Thursdays.  Explain one of the motifs in which Mariam childhood is maliciously ruined after the discovery of who her father really is behind all the "rich lies".  Discuss the thematic implication of the experiences that poor Afghan females have to go through.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bonus: Literary Criticism

Below is the link to a literary criticism of the novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It tells about the love and care between father and son and their role as they move southward through the harsh adventures in the road.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Assignment #2: The Road-Topic #3

        Cormac McCarthy’s touching novel The Road implements that in order to be strong; you need a bit of hope. The primary character, Dad, establishes hope throughout the story to protect his son from the dangers surrounding them out in the road. As one is frightened due to the loss of hope and faith, experiencing a difficult situation can lead to better moments. In this manner, McCarthy describes how Dad began to unwillingly think about a person in the past "wearing a rose gown that clung to her breast" and is thought to be his spouse. In this memory, he noticed he was damaging himself and his surroundings and to overcome this problem he had to stop living in history and instead make history by helping his son. This evidently resembled Dad’s love for his son. Even though in a bad condition, this memory wouldn’t leave Dad’s mind because it seems “she” was really special. Unfortunately, it can be concluded that Dad lost this special human being and as much as she is missed, he remembers that he has a boy to protect while on their journey to the south of the road.